
BSM Crew Service Centre Novorossiysk

Комплектование экипажей судов для компании Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement. Лидер на рынке в сфере качества, универсальности
Cертификат соответствия
ISO 9001:2015
Компания с историей

About Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) is an integrated maritime solutions provider and one of the world’s top-ranking ship managers in the gas, tanker, offshore, container, bulk and cruise sectors.

BSM manages a fleet of 400 vessels in full management and additionally 200 in crew management. The company operates a network of 11 Ship Management Centres, 26 Crew Service Centres and four wholly-owned Maritime Training Centres in over 30 locations with more than 20,000 seafarers and 2,000 shore-based staff to provide a high quality service for all types of vessels.

As a family owned company, BSM´s focus lies on long term relationships with its customers. Personal responsibility is at the core of BSM’s operational excellence – and defines its customer centricity, high transparency and excellent Loss Prevention, Safety and Quality standards.

BSM is dedicated to supporting its customers’ businesses and mindfully takes care of their assets. As a member of the Schulte Group, this commitment has been the key to its success for more than 135 years. It allows BSM to offer customers peace of mind – and competitive advantages through maximum vessel availability, safety, reliability and efficiency.

For further information please visit our website www.bs-shipmanagement.com


To be a leading maritime solutions provider
We enable our business partners to achieve their objectives through applied knowledge, experience and innovation
Международный уровень. Офисы по всему миру
Индивидуальный подход к каждому моряку
Кадетская программа
BSM mobile app
Dry Fleet
Wet Fleet
Gas Fleet
Other Fleet

Обязательное требование для всех соискателей - это высокий профессианальный уровень, хорошее знание английского языка, опыт работы со «смешанными» экипажами, а так же наличие действующих сертификатов в соответствии с SOLAS, STCW-78/95 и другим международным стандартам.

Перед назначением на судно все наши кандидаты проходят все обязательные тестирования в соответствии с требованиями судовладельцев и Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement.

г. Новороссийск, пр. Ленина 95 Б, этаж 2, офис 3
