
Cruise vessels requirements


Position Vessel Joining date
2nd Engineer  Goddess of the Night 10.06.2024
2nd Engineer  MYKONOS MAGIC 10.06.2024
2nd Engineer  QUEEN OF THE OCEANS 11.06.2024
1st Engineer Renaissance 11.06.2024
1st Engineer QUEEN OF THE OCEANS 11.06.2024
Electrician Assistant QUEEN OF THE OCEANS 11.06.2024
Junior Electro Technical Officer Ambience 11.06.2024
Carpenter QUEEN OF THE OCEANS 11.06.2024
Staff Captain QUEEN OF THE OCEANS 11.06.2024
2nd Engineer  Ambience 14.07.2024
2nd Engineer  Ambition 08.08.2024


Mandatory good English and mixed crew experience for all ranks, German language knowledge for Deck Officers.

Full set of STCW documentation.

Preferably Schengen and USA Visas or time to apply.

Please send your CVs to our e-mail Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. or complete resume on our web-site www.bsmnovo.com and call us +7 8617 308 398 to confirm receipt.

г. Новороссийск, пр. Ленина 95 Б, этаж 2, офис 3
